Prospectus and application forms are available from your Guidance Office, or by writing to:

Career Marketplace Canada, RPO Box 44054,100 Anderson Road SE,

Calgary, Alberta Canada T2J 7C5


NB: It is a student's responsibility to ensure that our office receives their transcripts. Educational Institutions do not forward marks automatically, however, they may do so upon the student's request.


30 days prior to the beginning of each semester


Classroom and Practical training will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday each week.

Individual Workshops will run on Saturdays


Books and supplies will cost approximately $425.00 for the In-home Child Care Services and $275.00 for the Child Day Care Management and Household Management Services programs.

NB: Because of fluctuation in the price of books, prices are subject to change, without notice.


Tuition fees are tax deductible. Receipts will be issued to all students.

NB: Course fees do not include the costs of textbooks or other learning materials.


Fee Structure: (Full tuition, per student)

  • In-home Child care Services $3,000.00 (CAD)
  • Child Day Care Management $2,075.00 (CAD)
  • Household Management/Canadian Butler $2,000.00 (CAD)
  • Canadian Governess TBA


    Supplemental Training Activities (weekly workshops, day care conferences, group projects, field trips, first aid certificate, police clearance, medical Certificate, and other related activities) TBA
  • Individual Workshops $75.00
  • Application Fee (Non-refundable) $35.00
  • Enrolment fee $100.00 (to hold a space in the program - applied directly to tuition)
  • Supplemental Examination Fee $ 50.00
  • Replacement of official transcript or receipt $ 5.00

NB: All fees are in Canadian funds and are payable in full, on the first day of classes)

IMPORTANT: Once enrolment has been accepted in writing by Career Marketplace Canada, the full tuition and supplemental training activities fees are due and payable on the first day of classes. Failure on the part of students to adhere to their study program in no way lessens this liability to complete payment of the contracted fees, particularly since the expenses of a program are in no way lessened by one student's withdrawal, and naturally have to be calculated beforehand on the assumption that the full number will continue throughout the program – Career Marketplace Canada is not endowed, and receives no funding from taxpayers. All programs are fully self-supporting.

Career Marketplace Canada reserves the right to cancel a program when deemed necessary, or to make changes to program content, instructional methods, fees, rules and regulations, without prior notice.


  • A+, A, A- Excellent
  • B+, B, B- Superior
  • C+ Above Average
  • C Average
  • D Below-Average
  • F Fail
  • I Incomplete
  • L Deferred Final exams
  • DE Deferred Exams
  • RA Repeat Attempt
  • NC Not for Credit
  • OS Occasional Student
  • PI Previous Incomplete
  • SE Special Exams
  • VW Voluntary Withdrawal
  • AW Authorised Withdrawal
  • SS Special Student Transfer