We are pleased that you are allowing us the opportunity to acquaint you with our early childhood training programs. Briefly, the training offered by First Canadian Nanny CollegeŽ aims to develop a high level of professional competence in the care and teaching of children from infancy through 12 years.

Our calendar contains most of the information you will need to decide whether you wish to enroll in full-time or part-time studies, and which program is most compatible with your future professional aspirations. It is important to remember when reading, that not only are we a leading Canadian In-home child care institution, but we are also an institution that is forward thinking, and in line with modern, child care and educational practices. The college has an Advisory Committee that includes representatives from child care and education communities across Canada, as well as from other organizations. Through this committee, the school keeps up-to-date with current child care and educational standards and the requirements of prospective employers.

First Canadian Nanny CollegeŽ is committed to meeting the educational needs of individuals throughout their lives, by providing excellent learning opportunities through the delivery of high-quality programs and services. Our training is valuable for people from all walks of life: it helps parents to give their children the best possible start in life; it shows child care educators and care-givers how to develop their knowledge, skills and job prospects. Elementary teachers will find that by adding our training to their skills, they become more effective in the classroom.

Our academic staff has a wealth of experience in all forms of early childhood practices. Some are seasoned, working practitioners with a range of backgrounds, and thus, bring the depth of their experience to participants’ educational partnership. They are highly qualified, and have a commitment to achieve and maintain the highest possible standards in our training.

At First Canadian Nanny College, we put people first. Intensive personal coaching supplements the classroom and practical training the students receive. Our training focuses on personal and group- instruction, in an environment that recognizes the students' individual achievements as well as their abilities.

In our calendar, you will find the programs offered with specific details given. If after you have read the information you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office. We do look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.


Hazel-Ann Williams-Baker,

Founder & President